22 Mayıs 2021 Cumartesi


Geçtiğimiz günlerde (Mayıs 2021) Linkedin’de Sabancı Üniversitesi MBA programından arkadaşım Selen Kars Ünlüoğlu’nun aşağıdaki post’unu görüp “unleadership” kavramıyla ilk kez karşılaştım. Merak edip düzenlenen workshop’a katıldım.

Workshop öncesinde tüm katılımcılara üzerinde düşünmemiz için bazı sorular gönderilmişti. Workshop’tan maksimum seviyede faydalanabilmek, kendimi öncesinde hazırlayabilmek için sorular hakkında düşünüp bir şeyler kaleme aldım.

If you can, take a moment to reflect upon your experiences of leaderly acts over the last year. What have you seen, read or experienced? What actions have you taken? How has this made you and others feel? What happened? 

SPACE TO DELIVER - In the first days of pandemic, our Finance Director showed a great leadership and organized weekly catch-up meetings. In these meetings, she showed care almost to every attendee (around 80 people reporting to her) and she made us feel that our leaders and company is thinking and supporting us in those hard days. She tried to kick off conversation with everyone and she told us the strategies and decisions taken by the management. After these meetings, I was more concentrated and motivated to do my best because I felt that I am precious.

MEANING CREATOR - Over the last year, I had chance to listen to more podcasts and videos. These are mainly the success stories of people; podcast (Nasıl Olunur), youtube (StoryBox) in Turkish. Hearing the real stories of people, learning from mistakes, learning their key take-aways and thinking about these “free trainings” were all having important meanings. I read more books as I have more free time at home and I collected quotes from these books and published them in a separate blog site which I can turn back and re-read when I need some motivation and shared these contents in Linkedin to create synergy among my connections.

Starting from 1st of Jun’20, I promoted to Manager Finance position and this role has much more responsibility and needs more communication with an enlarged network. I read books like “First 90 Days” and worked on what was not working properly in my ex-position and worked on a better version of me.

Currently possibly due to remote-work conditions, I feel like I am working alone and this makes me feel that I need to ask for more global role with more interaction with various people but at the same time I remind myself that I have a comfort zone here in my current role.

I see Selen’s posting in Linkedin for this workshop and “unleadership” which I never heard about before made me interested. As an introvert professional, this jargon makes me feel connected and I wanted to learn more about it.  

19 Mayıs Çarşamba günü tatilimi de bu workshop’a göre ayarlayıp akşamüstü bilgisayar karşısında yerimi aldım ve son bir yıl içerisindeki liderlik konusundaki deneyimlerimizi farklı background’lardan ve tecrübelerden bireylerle değerlendirdim. Ortaya birbirinden değerli görüşler çıktı.

Bakalım önümüzdeki günlerde #unleadership kavramını ne kadar duyacağız? Bu arada workshop arasında çok güzel bir müzik dinledim, unutmamak için buraya yazıyorum:

Lydia - it’s The Rural Assiduity / Frank Poppyseeds Ensemble

Unleadership konusunda Profesör Carol Jarvis'e ulaşmak isteyenler bu mail adresi üzerinden erişebilir:


Unleadership konusunda sosyal media hesapları da mevcut:

LinkedIn: The Unleadership Movement
Twitter: @unleadership_
Instagram: unleadership_

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