4 Aralık 2022 Pazar

The Stone Is Heavy in Its Place

I wrote the title ("The Stone Is Heavy in Its Place") without much hesitation, while Norah Jones was playing in the background on Sunday morning, December 4, 2022. When we stay in our environment for a long time, we establish not only physical but also emotional bonds with that environment. This being the case, we continue our lives in our comfort zone.

My brain has encoded the concept of "comfort zone" in such a way that it is as if it is an addictive harmful substance as dangerous as a "drug". Is that so? I had many moments where I forced myself, questioned myself, tried alternatives so that I would not stay in my comfort zone. I recently experienced one of these.

And I said it was not worth it, I tried to run away by slipping the experience I had into my pocket as an earning. I kept my professionalism by taking a deep breath and swallowing in an environment where many people would slam the door because of my politeness. I just silenced my ego, and saw the earning of the day: got to know new people and environments, realized the value of what I had in my hand.

A person cannot differ the value of his/her belongings after holding the value of what he/she has for a long time. This is the case for health, as well as for all other material and spiritual assets... That's why I said "stone is heavy in its place" while sipping my tea this Sunday morning. If you can show your presence in your environment, be you, live together with those around you (I don't want "live" to be confused with breathing), then you have a presence in that environment. Let there be minuses, wonders, maybes, and "I hope"s. They are things that are always in life, in every environment. Mankind always questions, dreams, wants better and somehow ignores the value of what he has or does not realize that value at all. When he hits a wall, or just about to hit it, he turns around and looks at what he has in his hand, and he becomes grateful once again.

"Sustainability", one of the most popular concepts of our age, appears here again. Maintaining our presence in the environment we are in, going forward and expanding is a choice, just like leaving that environment and entering another struggle for existence in a new environment. Then we come across "harmony". Whether you call it, it is an adaptation process and there is no guarantee whether this process will be successful or not. It's a risk, it's getting out of your comfort zone, it's a struggle for a new existence. Sometimes you look forward to this struggle, you take that risk, you either win or learn and move on. Sometimes, you realize that you should not enter that struggle from the beginning, and you realize that you need to maintain your presence by protecting your position. This is not to leave the comfort zone, but to be protected from unnecessary experiences. Because the stone is heavy in place...

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