4 Kasım 2023 Cumartesi

Supporting Men's Health: My Movember Journey

Throughout the month of November, the world comes together to raise awareness for men's health through the iconic Movember movement. As a male employee at Philip Morris International, I've taken up the challenge to walk 60 kilometers to support this noble cause and contribute to the employee initiative for Movember. In this blog post, I'd like to take you on a journey through my personal experience, highlighting the importance of fostering conversations and taking action to improve men's health. Let's embark on this meaningful journey together.

Movember: More Than Mustaches

Movember, derived from "mustache" and "November" is a global movement that transcends the realm of facial hair. It's about raising awareness of critical issues affecting men, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. This year, Philip Morris International has initiated an employee-driven campaign for Movember, uniting us in the fight against these health challenges.

Movember Partners in Crime
Walking with Purpose

For me, Movember is not just about growing facial hair; it's a call to action. I've set a personal goal to walk 60 kilometers this month. Walking is not only a way to raise awareness, but it's also a symbol of our commitment to a healthier lifestyle. It's a reminder that small steps can lead to significant change, both in our lives and in the lives of others. And I'm lucky that my son is also my partner in crime.

Fostering Conversations

Movember provides a unique opportunity for us to initiate conversations about men's health. It's a chance to share experiences, struggles, and triumphs and to encourage one another to prioritize physical and mental well-being. As a passionate male employee at Philip Morris International, I've taken it upon myself to spark these conversations within our workplace. By sharing my journey, I aim to inspire others to do the same.

Supporting Men's Health

By participating in the Movember movement and my company Philip Morris International's employee initiative, I've joined a global community committed to improving men's health. It's about creating a future where no man suffers in silence and where everyone receives the support they need. Our collective actions, no matter how small, contribute to this greater cause.

Get Involved

Movember is not limited to growing mustaches or walking long distances. You can participate by engaging in open conversations, donating to Movember programs, or starting your own campaign. Your involvement matters, and it's an opportunity to make a lasting impact.


As we journey through this Movember, let's remember that our efforts don't have to end when November does. Men's health is a year-round concern, and our dedication should be too. Whether you've grown a mustache, walked a mile, or simply shared a conversation, you've played a vital role in this movement.

I encourage you to take up the challenge, join the conversation, and contribute to the well-being of all men. Together, we can drive positive change in the realm of men's health. Thank you for being part of this incredible initiative, and let's continue to support one another throughout the year.

Let's carry the spirit of Movember with us, not just in the workplace but also in our daily lives. This is our commitment to healthier, happier lives for all men.

You may also like to read: Volkan Yorulmaz: Wrapping Up Movember: A Journey of 60km for Men's Health

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