Hayat bisiklete binmek gibidir; pedalı çevirmeye devam ettiğiniz sürece düşmezsiniz.
20 Ocak 2015 Salı
Ray Charles
Garanti Bankası 2015 Hesap İşletim Ücreti Hazırlıkları
Kendilerince "biz önceden sizleri haberdar ettik" diye bir savunma mekanizması geliştirmek için böyle bir uygulamaya gitmişler. Haksız bir uygulamayı haklı ya da adil bir uygulama şekline getirmek için yapılan bir oyundan başka bir şey değil bence. Yılda 2 kere hesap işletim ücreti alan Garanti Bankası böylece 127TL her vadesiz hesaptan almış olacak.
Bu arada görüşme sırasında dikkatimi çeken bir noktada kayıtta "vadesiz hesaplarınızdan 63.50 TL veya muadili olarak tehsil edilecektir" demesi oldu. Bununla kasıt sadece döviz hesapları mı yoksa yatırım hesaplarındaki hisselerden de mi tırtıklayacaklar artık göreceğiz.
Bu arada "muafiyet koşulları için internet sitemizi inceleyin" diyorlar ama işlem görmeyen hesaplar için herhangi bir muafiyetten bahsetmiyorlar. Ne kadar hakkaniyetli bir yaklaşım. Tebrikler doğrusu... Bakalım bu politikayla Garanti ve diğer bankalar bu yıl da kar rekoru kıracaklar mı? Yolları açık olsun...
Kendilerini bu "süper" yaklaşımlarından ötürü twitter üzerinden de tebrik ettim. Ee tabi cevap veremediler...
17 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi
İmaj Yönetimi Eğitiminden Geriye Kalanlar
Özlem Çakır Uluslararası İmaj Danışmanları Derneği’nin (A.I.C.I) Türkiye’den ilk profesyonel ve uluslararası ödüllü üyesidir.(Jane Segestron Ödülü) Çakır, 1999-2011 tarihleri arasında derneğin Türkiye Başkanlığını yürütmüştür.
15 Ocak 2015 Perşembe
Live Your Best Year Ever (Volkan's keynotes)
Most people are more diligent about making their grocery lists than they are about designing their lives. That is why it is so easy to get ahead in life, stand out and move ahead. Most people—97 percent of them—couldn’t be bothered.
Now is your time. now is Your time to soar. i’m a believer that things happen for a reason and there aren’t any “accidents.” This is your opportunity; this is your time; this is your chance... but it is up to You to get the hint and answer the call.
People often ask me what common traits i observe as i interview and get to know many of today’s superachievers. My answer is quick because those commonalities are shared by nearly 100 percent of them. The two strategies used by almost all great achievers are:
1. An unyielding commitment to constant learning; and
2. Clearly written goals that have specific plans laid out to achieve them
Put it this way: A genius will still get lost in a foreign country without a map. Even a numskull will arrive at the destination faster if they have a clear destination and follow a map. Ha a map of where you want to go.
Proper goal-setting puts you in a speedboat and gives you a target to steer toward. You will go directly to your destination and arrive with great speed.
All of the hows in life will be meaningless until your whys are powerful enough. until you’ve set your desire and motivation in place, you’ll abandon any new path you seek to better your life.
Whatever your mind is thinking on the inside is what it will pay attention to on the outside. All of a sudden, you ‘see’ it.
Now is the time to establish new behaviors, build new skills and take bold, new actions to realize your great goals today!
The process of Plan, Do, review and improve will help ensure that you get the intended lesson and schedule the necessary improvements to triumph in the next round.
The process is a simple one. First, you make a Plan or set goals. (not planning is a plan, too—just a bad one.) next, you Do or execute. Then, you assess how you did in Review. in the review stage, you measure your accomplishment, counting your wins and losses. Then finally, make necessary adjustments to Improve.
We get out of life what we create. Simple enough, right? We are all creative beings. We all arrive the same—naked, vulnerable and ignorant. What becomes of our lives from that point forward is what we create for ourselves.
I know the power of gratitude. So, to help calibrate my creative “attraction magnets,” i start my new Year’s goal writing by first reminding myself of what i am already grateful for.
Sometimes, we get so focused on the goal ahead, that we don’t see what we already have beside us.
Make your business plan fit your life plan, not the other way around.
10-Point Checklist for goal setting
1. Don’t just Think It—Ink It
The weakest ink is stronger than the strongest mind. unless you write down your goals, they are often lost in the shuffle and excitement of new problems, challenges and decisions. Eliminate outside interruptions.
2. Suspend reality
Pretend it is only a game; play in fantasy for a while. Let the giant that lies dormant inside you out to play. if you had every skill, resource or ability in the world, what would you do? What would you set out to accomplish? Don’t filter, qualify or judge.
3. Go big
Average people with meager beginnings who have risen to become extraordinary, world-changing achievers have proved it countless times: Anything you can clearly visualize and genuinely desire is within the realm of possibility for you.
4. Speak in the Positive
In this guideline, decide what you want to move toward, not away from, and speak in those terms. Examples:
“I am my ideal weight of 190 lbs. by June 1,” versus “I want to lose 20 lbs.”
or, “I have a positive net worth of $1 million by August next year,” versus “I want to get out of debt.”
or, “I have a loving, respectful and intimate relationship with my wife,” versus “I want to repair my marriage.”
5. State in the “I am”
Make statements in the first person present. “i am x”, versus “i want x.”
If you write a goal like, “I want to be a millionaire,” your creative energy will focus only on that goal—the wanting of being a millionaire. If you say, “I am a millionaire by December 31, next year,” your creative power will go to work on producing what you have declared to be true.
6. Be Sure They Are YOUR Goals
Many people set goals that they think they “should” have, rather than what they truly want for themselves. Don’t let your family’s, colleagues’ or society’s ideals or expectations dictate your ambitions. In fact, if your written goals are not from your true heart and inner ambition, your creative spirit will not work to produce them anyway.
7. Make Sure Your Goals Align With Your Values
Some goals aren’t worth going for. It is important to be sure you don’t sacrifice your core values to pay for the acquisition of a promise less worthy. Goals must fit your own values, standards and desires. If they do not align with your core values, you will find it impossible to remain interested or involved in them.
8. Don’t be afraid to fight
One of the best days of your life can be the day you find your fight. Without a fight, we all become fat, lazy and sedentary; we lose purpose, passion and vigor.
So I challenge you with this thought: What are you willing to fight for? What do you see as an enemy to your industry, your family, your community or your world?
9. Abandon limiting beliefs
i heard a story about a little dog whose owner kept it on a 20-foot leash for years, tied to a tree. The little dog would see other dogs and run right to the end of his leash. He knew exactly how far he could go.
one day, the owner (finally) felt sorry for the dog, so he decided to let him off the leash. instead of removing the entire leash, however, the owner simply unfastened the leash from the tree but the collar remained around the dog’s neck. The owner thought the dog would take off running, happy and free.
When another dog came along, sure enough, the little dog got up and took off running. Much to his surprise, when the little dog got to where the leash would have ended, the dog stopped dead right where he always had. The little dog was free; he just didn’t realize it.
10. Fear not
For the last guideline, i ask you to consider this passage from Marianne Williamson’s book, A Return to Love:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Sometimes we pursue too much and achieve too little. As the wise adage explains, “The man who chases two rabbits catches neither.”
When it comes to achieving your goals, remember it is not your goals that need to be worked on; it is You.
it’s important to understand that you don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are.
“if you want to have more... you have to become more. Success is not a doing process; it is a becoming process. What you do, what you pursue, will elude you—it can be like chasing butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person you become.”
It’s on the extra mile where success is obtained—extra effort, extra hours, extra preparation, extra care and extra calls. Extra is what separates you from average. it is the “extra” that goes in front of “ordinary” to make you extraordinary.
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.” John C. Maxwell said in an interview, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.
Mastery is something developed through about 10,000 hours of deliberate, concentrated and focused practice. The only thing that separates average achievers from superachievers is dedication to improvement.
If you would like to access your potential greatness and achieve master-level performance, then know that the idea of deliberate practice and deliberate improvement is serious work and requires a serious commitment and consistency.
Deliberate improvement requires a mindset of never, ever, being satisfied with your current ability. it requires a constant self-critique, a capacity for daily disappointment and failure and a never-ending resolve to dust oneself off and to try again and again and again. it also requires enormous, life altering amounts of time—a daily grinding commitment to becoming better. in the long term the results can be highly satisfying. But in the short term from day to day and month to month there’s nothing particularly fun about the process or the substantial sacrifices involved. As Anders Ericsson wrote in The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, “There is a clear distinction between leisure players, who tend to enjoy themselves casually much of the time and the dedicated achievers, who become glued to the gritty process of getting better.”
To become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life.
I believe the first challenge to living our potential is realizing the greatness that lies dormant inside of each of us. Thomas Edison said, “if we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Dale Carnegie also taught, “We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we don’t even dream we can do.”
That is what i want to encourage you to do; use the Plan, Do, review and improve process to continually check on your progress and make the adjustments necessary, and push yourself through the ongoing gritty process of continually getting better and better... until one day you are nearly unrecognizable to your friends and family. Certainly your lifestyle, your relationships, your body, vitality and bank account will be fantastically unrecognizable by comparison to where you are starting today!