30 Ocak 2010 Cumartesi

Carpe Diem

What a strong and liberating message "Carpe Diem" holds: life is now and life will always only be now. The present moment is really all there ever is to experience everything. So it is to us to take this responsibility for ourselves and seize it fully.

"When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough." ~Maurice Maeterlinck

29 Ocak 2010 Cuma

The 4 Steps to Create the Reality You Desire

"It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going." ~Brian Tracy

The 4-step process of

1. Intention
2. First Creation: Planning
3. Second Creation: Executing
4. Optimizing until you succeed

is a simple framework to create the reality of desire. It may be intuitively clear and so the purpose of the post is more to see that every desire is achievable and encourage you to go for it.

The art of creation is the way to create the reality around us. You are constantly doing it anyway, the question is: are you aware of it and secondly: is it a creation of your own choosing? So it is about time to do it consciously.

“What Did I Learn?”

Madem 1 Şubat 2010 itibariyle yeni bir sayfa acıyorum hayatımda, hayatın bana öğrettiklerini tıpkı benim gibi başkalarına da öğrettiğini hatırlayarak bunları aklımda tutup, karşılacağım zamanlarda aklıma getirmem lazım. Cümle biraz karışık oldu ama hayatı basit yaşamak gerekli...

I’ve learned many life lessons and truths through personal experience during this time, here are a few of the ones on the tip of my tongue in this moment. Though many of the lessons below are seemingly obvious and are ones we may already know, they remain the kinds of things to be truly learned, and integrated into daily practice only through experience.

Attracting Miracles - Gifts are constantly showered upon us, everyday, but we choose not to see them. All we have to do is walk outside, and we will find someone less fortunate than us. Everything that happened to us on our path to this moment was a blessing, truly. Count those blessings, everyday, be grateful for all that we have… from the sunlight, to our food, for our shelter, to our relationships, to our body. As we do so, we will witness more gifts and miracles occurring in our life, moment to moment, every moment.
Overcoming Suffering - Suffering is a choice, even though during moments of intense suffering and emotional pain, the suffering seems unavoidable and that we are choice-less and hopeless. During moments of suffering, bring intense awareness into it, and tell it, repeatedly, “I will not mother these thoughts anymore! I will not create unnecessary suffering on myself! I will overcome this.”
“The Running Mind” - On any given day, there is always something that presents itself as a problem that will bother us. When thinking about it, it seems like the most urgent and important thing, and indeed, it boggles our mind throughout the day. But the moment we replace that thought with another, the problem no longer seems so real. And when you overcome it, or stop seeing it as a problem, another problem will sure surface. That is the workings of our mind. It’s not real. Be aware of it.
“It’s Okay to be Flawed” - It’s easy to judge people and point out their flaws. But when we judge, that quality which we are judging is a reflection of a flaw within ourselves. Truth is, we are all flawed, and pointing them out is the easy way out. Find the compassion and understanding to accept other people for who they are, allow them to be, for you too are flawed and surely, you would like others to allow you to be as you are. Overflow love towards that person, and see how you can shift your state of mind about that person. Look for the good.
Bad Days - No matter how bad a day can get, it has the potential to instantly change and turn around to be a breath-taking phenomenal day. It’s happened before, so why not now? Never view a “bad” mood as a permanent thing, it is what you’re feeling now, who knows what will happen in the next 5 minutes, or one hour. Accepting the present for what it is, and welcoming the next moment with freshness can only bring wonder and joy to you.
Choosing a Response - When another person is giving us attitude or saying things we don’t like, with awareness, we can choose our responses, including silence. Other people’s reaction to things has to do with them, and their state of mind. What others think, feel and chooses to respond is beyond our control. So surrender. It’s not worth spending energy on it. Let it go! It’s not about who is being the “bigger person”, it’s about recognizing an action that is fruitless and saving the energy to do something else conducive to your wellbeing.
Blessings from a Rude Encounter - When another person is rude to us, perhaps the best lesson we can learn is how it feels on the receiving end when we are rude to others in moments of unconscious behavior. It’s a blessing. Secretly thank that person and whisper a silent prayer for them. It’s not worth getting all worked up and defensive. Find the lesson and move on.
Nature of Discontentment and Complaints - The moment we complain, we are taking this moment for granted and we are missing out on life. When we complain, we are not appreciating or trusting the wisdom of cosmic intelligence, we become disconnected with the whole, with source, with our inner selves, with nature, with bliss. And we suffer.
Expectations in Life - Expectations of exactly how things should be, how things should play out only leads to inner conflict and resulting emotional suffering. I keep re-learning this lesson, even till today. Because we cannot predict the future, and things never go as we expect in its entirety. Once we have our hearts and heads locked on a definite course of events, even a slight shift in change can shatter our hopes. Even the most secure relationships can have its unexpected turbulences. Even the most trusted friendships can take its turns from the promised future. Let whatever happens happen. Trust with great conviction that, “Whatever happens is the best thing happening to me. So let it be.”

The Meaning of the Finger Pointing to the Moon

"Truth has nothing to do with words. Truth can be likened to the bright moon in the sky. Words, in this case, can be likened to a finger. The finger can point to the moon’s location. However, the finger is not the moon. To look at the moon, it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger, right?"

Yorum yapmıyorum, sadece askerdeyken nöbette kendime verdiğim sözlerden daha doğrusu kendim içn yaptığım planlardan birini hayata geçirmeye başladığımın bildirgesidir.

2 Ocak 2010 Cumartesi

Hoş Geldin 2010

Günlerden Cumartesi, ama yılbaşı sebebiyle Cuma’nın da tatil olması sebebiyle benim için daha bir Pazar tadında Cumartesi. Tad demişken, tadı tuzu yok artık pek çok şeyin… İnsan içerdeyken haline ne kadar şükretse de bir çok şeyden eskisi gibi keyif alamıyor, pek çok şeyin de keyfini almayı zaten unutuyor. Vakit bazen hızla, bazense de oldukça yavaş işliyor. Az önce “Urfa’da 2 Ay” adlı yazımı okudum da içim bi garip oldu. Orada şöyle demişim:

“Artık şafağım çift haneli. Şafak metrem bugün 98’i gösteriyor. Çift hanelere indirmek öncelikli hedefimdi, onu başardım, bir sonraki hedef şehirlere inmesi, daha sonra bayramda annemin yanıma gelmesi, sonra yeni kısa dönemlerin alaya gelmesi ve tek haneler…”

Bakıyorum da koyduğum hedeflerin pek çoğuna erişmişim, yeni kısa dönemlerin gelmesi olayı da ertelendiğine göre artık hedef tek hanelere inip hayırlısıyla uçağa binmek J Bizler inandık siz de inanın! Motivasyonu ile inşallah bu hedeflerde gerçek olacak…

Ne tesadüftür ki yine bu yazıyı bir nöbet sonrası yazıyorum. 04:00-06:00 nöbeti, 6 kule… Yaklaşık 1 hafta sonra o kuleye yeniden çıkınca sanırım bu nöbette daha verimli düşünebildim. İzmire dönsem de artık kara kaplı not defterimde yazanları gerçekleştirmeye koyulsam…

Her ne kadar Alay’da yeni yıl havasına girememiş olsam da 2010’a gerçekten pek bir ısındım. Umarım 10 numara bir yıl olur. Dileklerimin hepsi gerçekleşir… Şimdilik benden bu kadar. 2010’un ilk blogu camiamıza hayırlı olsun.

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